The First City Company

Pine Creek Plaza is located in the growing north suburban community of McCandless. The center sits between two major roadways and is easily accessible from the local communities. Recently redeveloped with Target and Giant Eagle, Pine Creek Plaza is well positioned to serve the market in to the future.

Target at Pine Creek Plaza
Anchor Tenant
Target 123,435 s.f.
Giant Eagle 64,000 s.f.
Area Demographics (2027 Projection)
  1 mile 3 miles 5 miles
Population 6,027 44,939 110,221
Households 2,537 18,416 44,853
2022 Average Household Income $118,412 $123,721 $125,605
Pine Creek Strip Mall
5700 Corporate Drive, Suite 520 • Pittsburgh, PA 15237
PH: 412-391-6060 • FAX: 412-391-6010 •